Let me introduce the main characters of this wonderful story.

The heroine of the story...She seems a normal girl, but a big passion is in her heart. Acting is her life, and she'll get through all the obstacles to get to her goals. But...When you will understand how important your secret admirer is for you, Maya?
The cold heartless president of Daito Art Production...To tell the truth he's just someone who needs so much love...One day he met a 11 year-younger girl and his life started changing (well, it will take him a lot of time to realize and to admit this!). I think he's the most intriguing character...
She's the same age as Maya. She is a beautiful, smart, elegant, rich, and talented actress. She understands that Maya is her only rival from the beginning, but she's loyal and fair and she respects her.
He's one of the first friends Maya met in the manga. He's not from the Tsukikage Company, but from the Ondine Company (the same company where Ayumi is!). He loves Maya but he's jealous of her only interest, i.e. acting. He told Maya about his feelings, but for Maya he's just a friend: she crushed on Satomi... So their friendship ends... At least, for the moment...
Ayumi's mother. She's a very famous and talented actress and she's married with a famous producer. She also admires Maya's talent (do you remember when she kissed Maya? I love that scene!)
The Dark Lady...Once she was a great actress, but an accident on stage ruined her face and her career. She wants to create a perfect actress who can play 'the Crimson Gopess' as she used to do...You guessed it, Maya and Ayumi are the only 2 candidates.
He's the producer of the Ondine company. He's an evil man, always by Masumi Hayami's side. He's really nasty and he thinks only about his business.
Masumi Hayami's secretary. I think she's one of the smartest characters. She's the first one who has understood Masumi's feelings for Maya. Maybe she's jealous, but she's rahter reserved. Anyway she truly respects and admires Masumi.
Masumi Hayami's faithful employee. Nobody knows him at Daito Art production. He has many important secret tasks, and since Maya found out he brought her purple roses, he's been acting as intermediary between Maya and her secret admirer...
Maya's first boyfriend (Masumi! You're jealous, arent' you?). Anyway, Satomi and Maya's love story didn't work, because Satomi's manager asked Maya to let him go and not to ruin his career (after the death of Maya's mother and Maya's troubles)... Poor Maya!
Maya's mum. She works in a Chinese restaurant and she doesn't believe in her daughter's talent. When Maya runs away from home to attend Tsukikage's school, Haru tries to take her back home, but her daughter refuses. Even though Haru seems to abandon Maya forever, she always thinks of her only child until the last moment of her own life.
A very rich and (they say) beautiful woman, engaged to Masumi Hayami beacuse of their families' will. She's terribly shy and weak, and she's got a persecution mania. There are fans of Garasu no Kamen who pity her (for what?), while I'd just love to strangle her with my own hands! Her favorite hobby is fainting when Masumi is by her side (better if Maya is watching them)... No comment.
Masumi's step-father. He's been obsessioned by the play 'The Crimson Gopess' since he saw Chigusa Tsukikage's performance. He's got no feelings and interests but for business. He made Masumi become unhappy and repressed.
A famous producer. He's rather original, moody, extremely strict but also very talented. His play 'The Forgotten Wilderness', where Maya played a girl who grow up like a wolf, was a big success. He will direct Maya's group in the competition for 'the Crimson Gopess' while Onodera will direct Ayumi's group.
Chigusa Tsukikage's faithful assistant and admirer. He's very worried for her health.
An American photographer who is a big fan of Ayumi. Will he manage to win her heart?
Rei Aoki, Sayaka Minazuki, Mina Sawawatari, Taiko Kasuga... The first friends Maya met when she went to the Tsukikage's company. Even if there are some misunderstandings, they will still be friends when Maya is not acting with them any longer...
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