Please read this first.

This site is dedicated to one of the best manga ever written:
GARASU NO KAMEN, by Suzue Miuchi. Hopefully, if you are here, you like this manga too... Thanks for your
This is an unofficial site created by a crazy Italian fan for all the fans in the world... Please, help
it grow. I would love to get your opinions and suggestions, any information I missed, and I would be
glad to put your works in the Fan Art and in the Fan Fiction sections...
Please don't be shy! Fans of Garasu no Kamen, this site is
This site is mainly dedicated to the manga, which I think is better than anything else. Anyway I am adding some images and general info about the OVA, the anime, the TV Drama, and everything I know about the Garasu no Kamen world... Yes, I'm an addict :) If you want to send me links, info and anything related to Garasu no Kamen, I'll be very glad to add them to my website.
S.Miuchi, Hakusensha, Starcomics have the Copyrights for manga and illustrations; NTV, Eiken and Yamato S.r.l for the 1984 Anime; TV Asahi, Dentsu, Office-Two-One, TMS Emtertainment, Shin Vision for the OVA; TV Tokyo, TMS Entertainment for the 2005 Anime. NTV, TV Asahi for the Drama. No copyright infringement intended. This is a non-profit fansite.
Please never use any content from this website for commercial purposes.
If you want to use any image or text from this site, I cannot stop you...
However, it would be very kind of you if you asked me
for permission (most likely the answer will be yes) and
if you gave me credits with a link to this website :)
In any case, please DO NOT direct link images.
Please respect my work. I am sharing with you everything I have and I know about Garasu no Kamen, and I
am spending a lot of time to do that.
Thanks! :)
Site online since March 10th 2003
Last update: May 29th 2024

This site is in English but its heart is 100% Italian!