(Francesca, please, get a life!)
You'll find here some pages I created just for fun. Warning! The pages are absolutely useless and sometimes demential. If you don't like wasting your time as I do, maybe you shouldn't visit them :)
- Glass no Kamen Poker Cards
- 14 Glass no Kamen characters, styled like poker cards.
- Inktober 2017
- My 31 illustrations for the Inktober 2017 challenge, all dedicated to Glass no Kamen.
- Two Roses
- Let me dedicate this page to my favorite flowers...
- Andre VS Masumi
- After all, they are not that perfect...
- You Know You've Read too Much Garasu No Kamen When...
- Garaoke
- If our Garasu no Kamen heroes were singers...
- They Say About This Website...
- Very appreciated comments found in the internet.

I worked very hard to create this website. When other people collaborated I gave them credits. I do not own the copyrights for the original work. Please if you intend to use some content for your website, ask me for permission first and give me credits. In any case, please do not direct link images and do not use anything for commercial purposes. Please, respect other people's work!