Suzue Miuchi - Other Works
Sento Alice Teikoku (S.Alice's Empire)
Tomoko Hanaki's parents have to stay in Germany for three years because of their job. So the girl has just
moved to
her uncle's and she's joined the Saint Alice High School. Soon she will find out how weird the school
is and how mysterious some school mates are! Soon we discover the weird school mates and strange rules all
students have to follow. Simple students have to follow strict rules as far as their look is concerned.
Only a few lucky students, called 'nobles' are relieved of this duty.
They are special students, who distinguished for their good marks at school,
for their excellent results in sports, etc.
All the other students have to obey them without complaining.
The most important person in the school is the 'queen'
Himiko Yamato, the president of the student committee. The school is like an empire, where students who
disobey are
severely punished. But there also some rebels fighting for justice: we first meet Zero, the mysterious and
thief whose identity is unknown to anyone, and Kid the pirate, who always wins the memebers of the school
and gets money from them. Both the guys help the students and fight against nobility.
There is also a nice pretty girl, Miss Henge. Miss Henge and Zero have something in common...
Ep. 1: Soratobi Kiiroi Ringo (The Flying Yellow Apples)
In the first episode (The Flying Yellow Apples) Zero and Kid together with Tomoko discover that the
noble students deceived the students, by making them pay much more than the real price for books,
clubs subscriptions and so on. With the exceeding money, they could buy the
yellow apples, the forbidden fruit of knowledge. All the students protest, the queen apologizes and
promises all the students who ate that fruits will be sent out of the school. In the meantime, from a
Tomoko, Kid and Miss Henge send down yellow apples to the crowd of students.
What a coincidence, Miss Henge's shoulder aches, and Zero was hurt at the same shoulder before...
Ep. 2: Hokago no Majo (The After-School Witch)
In the second episode (The After-School Witch) we meet Tomoko's class mate, Yoko Kuroma.
She's really strange, she's got no friends, and many weird things happen around her.
She is said to be a witch, as she stays at school after the lessons to try some magic. Tomoko doesn't
believe in
witches and she persuades Yoko to join the conjurer school club. At the
final student's show, Yoko's performance is a success. After that the
girl is informed that she has won a scholarship in Transilvania.
Everybody is happy. Anyway, after her departure, the teacher finds out
that Yoko used no tricks for her performance...
Ep. 3: Jouou Heika ni Keirei! (Long live to Her Majesty!)
Third episode: Long live to Her Majesty!
A bomb outrage almost injured the queen, and Zero is seen stealing the
golden school badge. Tomoko accedintally is in the room where the
responsible of attempting at the queen's life and 2 allies talk about
their plan. She sees that the boss has 3 spots on his hand. This will
help her to exculpate Kid and to identify the guilty guy: it's Haijima,
a lonely swot, who turns out to be a hooligan outside school. He dressed
up like Zero to steal the golden school badge to get some money...
Unluckily for him, the queen had replaced it with a fake badge!
Ep. 4: Kaitou Zero Sanjou (Zero the Phantom Thief)
Big rewards at the Saint Alice Institute for the students who will discover Zero's identity or catch him.
The students are not too happy, because after all Zero has always been by their side.
Tomoko kind of likes him, since he has saved her several times.
Kid wants the money, so he wants to try.
It happens to Tomoko to help Zero hide during one of his flights.
Anyway, every time Zero disappears, Miss Henge is always around. Miss Henge is very popular among boys,
but she refuses any dates. Moreover, she seems to have a soft spot on Tomoko...
Ryohichi Hanafusa, the president of the photography group, announces
that he found Zero's identity and he will show the evidences at the next
photgraphy exhibition. Miss Henge and Tomoko understand he is not
kidding, though Tomoko hasn't understood Zero's identity yet...
At last, Zero manages to replace the photos so that at the exhibition everybody think Hanafusa made a nice
Ending scene: Tomoko confesses to Miss henge that she is in love, and Miss Henge unexpectedly blushes...
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