Suzue Miuchi - Other Works
Pollyanna no Kishi (Pollyanna's Knight)
Pollyanna was born thanks to a little kid who helped her mother who had an accident when she was pregnant.
To help the woman, the kid injured himself and got a cross-shaped scar on his forehaed.
The boy disappeared without even saying his name, so Pollyanna grew up thinking of the boy she called 'my
When she was still a child, she got lost in London but a nice kid helped her to join her parents.
When he said goodbye to her, she could see the scar on his face! It was her knight!!!
Also when Pollyanna got 13, a handsome boy saved her from being run over by a train.
Yes, the same cross-scar was on his forehead. And again, he disappeared before saying his name.
And this was not the last time the boy had saved Pollyanna! When she was 16, her family had not good luck
with money and her father was charged with corruption. She was at the débutante ball all alone.
Everybody snobbed her, besides a charming boy...Who again didn't reveal his identity, because Pollyanna had
to run home because her father's health conditions were not good. A guy named Ted, fell in love with her.
But she didn't accept his courtship, because she was waiting for her mysterious knight to come back. And
they meet again! After the death of her parents, Pollyanna accepted to go to Switzerland with Ted, who never
stopped loving her and cheering her up. But a landlide occurred and guess who was the doctor curing
His name was Renard. They fell in love with each other, but the chief doctor's daughter, who was in love
with Renard,
made him be sent to an other hospital. Pollyanna was desperate for losing him again. At the end, she married
and had 3 kids, who are the reason of her life.
She is a very happy woman now! But, she is destined to meet Renard for a last tragic time.
She is going to leave for Ireland, to visit a aunt, while Ted will stay with the babies.
Unluckily the ship is drowning, and a handsome man gives her the last available place on the lifeboat...
I don't have a family, so many pwople would cry if you are dead! The 2 have only a few moments to say
to each other... Renard was born to protect her and he died to protect her. Pollyanna will never forget
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