Suzue Miuchi - Other Works
Ojo Alexandra (Queen Alexandra)
Alexandra is a young princess. His father married the daughter of the previous king of Lastonia, and he
king instead of Prince Gillard, the only heir at law. In fact, Gillard was too selfish and vain and he was
One day, when Alexandra was a child, a fire occurred in the palace.
The little girl was badly injured, and she became blind. Anyway she grew up with the loving support of her
mother and servants.
But one day, when Alexandra was only 15, her mother died. The woman's last words to her beloved daughter
'How will you go on? Trust people, this is the only thing you can do'.
The young princess will never forget these words.
Alexandra's father married countess Grace Gilgid, who has already 2 kids: Tatiana and Lilus.
The countess tried to give the king a son, but she failed. The young Alexandra is going to be the only heir
at law.
Since this moment, the countess will do anything to damage the poor girl, so that her own son Lilus will be
The old and faithful doctor and servants who used to take care of the blind girl are fired. A new young and
inexperienced doctor and a young corrupted servant take their place.
Thanks to the help of the servant, Grace tries to show the world that Alexandra is not able to be the queen
Lastonia. But Alexandra, trusting everyone even against evidence, manages to conquer people's hearts!
She even visits a village which was destroyed by a earthquake, and she manages to make peace with Gillard,
has been trying to destroy the royal family and who was the responsible of the fire which made Alexandra
At the death of the king, in spite of Grace's attempt to prevent the princess from arriving at the ceremony,
Alexandra is crowned... But she immediately abdicates on behalf of his little brother Lilus, who truly loves
Grace is moved and finally she apologized with Alexandra for her terrible behaviour. Needless to say, the
young woman
forgives the countess immediately. She has no reasons to be sad: finally she can marry the man she loves,
her young
doctor Albert!
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